With Ultra Shape three different techniques come together to combat cellulite

A triple action, able to knock out cellulite. This is what Ultra Shape ensures, a multiple treatment - available at the Caracalla center in Lugano - which combines various technologies to be able to eliminate accumulations of fat in a few sessions. Ultra Shape, in fact, manages to reshape curves and counter cellulite through the use of radiofrequency, LLLT laser and endodermal massage.

The radiofrequency manages to bring a deep heat into the deepest part of the dermis, thus increasing the production of collagen (an element that restores elasticity and tone to the skin) and reducing the accumulation of fat and skin laxity. Subsequently, the LLLT laser breaks down the used cells, making the fat escape, which is then eliminated from the body through the metabolic channels.

Finally, Ultra Shape takes advantage of the benefits of endodermal massage, able to reactivate blood circulation and therefore stimulate lymphatic drainage, helping the body to dispose of the fat dissolved in the previous phases with great ease.