Una face cleaning it is suitable for most skin types, so it can be repeated even once a month on dry and mature skin. We use steam, ultrasound, also called Scrubber, and then according to individual needs, ultra-frequency.

After a skin evaluation we begin with deep cleansing with the help of steam which dilates the pores, helps the stubborn dirt to escape thanks to sweat and brings oxygen-rich blood to the cells to renew the skin. You can choose to apply an ointment to the skin, as the heat causes it to penetrate more deeply.

After cleansing and scrub or peeling followsfacial cleansing with ultrasound,  a pleasant treatment that eliminates dead cells gently and without luse of chemical products, in fact a spatula is used which vibrates transmits the ultrasound to the skin, this allows that lthe epidermis is thoroughly purified and then hydrated more effectively. A manual cleaning of impurities is followed.

The high frequency then eliminates skin bacteria, regulates glandular activity and prepares the skin before the aesthetic treatment, improving the penetration of the product into the skin.

It ends with a mask chosen by the beautician