To eliminate this enamel, the intervention of a nail technician is absolutely necessary

Semi-permanent nail polish has started a real revolution in the field of nail art. This technique, in fact, allows to have an excellent seal with an extremely long duration, combining the advantages of gel reconstruction with the practicality of common enamel.

However, it is mistakenly believed that the semi-permanent can be easily removed with acetone: acetone actually weakens and damages the nail. For this reason, it is better to rely on a beautician specialized in nail technician and opt for the removal with the electric bur. This is the least stressful system for the nail: the important thing is that you use a bur with a ceramic tip, able to prevent the nail from heating up and being damaged.

The alternative to the cutter is the solvent: file the nail in the upper part, then wet the nail with the cotton soaked in the solvent and leave it to act for 10-15 minutes after wrapping the finger in the foil. In this case, however, you cannot immediately apply a new nail polish: it is good to let the nail breathe, using a reinforcing nail polish at the most. For best results, therefore, it is better to opt for the bur. The important thing, however, is that in both cases we rely on specialists.